Strong Gurl

Link Ups 

Ready to start your fitness journey? We believe you’ll find more success in the gym when supported within a community. These events are designed to break barriers for women and sometimes getting into the gym can be the hard part. Not knowing anybody, intimidation by the equipment and the space. These Link Ups are your opportunity to come to a gym, knowing there are women there who may be learning things from the beginning and advance lifters. Regardless, we are here supporting each other in the process.

  • Open Gym

  • Optional Group Workout

  • Meet Women in the Strength Community

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Book your team event

Looking to have a fitness themed team building event? Interested in building community for the women at your business? Join the Strong Gurls Club for a range of events, spanning from fitness challenges, seminars, competitions, exclusive classes, happy hours, and more. Bring your gurls and we'll put you in touch with the right people to make your event shine